Less Expensive Sedona Method Techniques
own slogan, "lasting happiness, success, peace and emotional well-being." Although the method does possess many ardent followers, the cost of program materials and seminar attendance can range from hundreds into thousand of dollars. Is it necessary to pay large amounts of money to find peace and emotional well-being? What other programs provide the same benefit for little or no cost?
Emotions Anonymous
The primary focus of the Sedona Method is to teach individuals how to, according to the program's own verbiage, "release and let go" negative feelings, thoughts and emotions in order to acquire happiness and peace. The members of Emotions Anonymous (EA) point their attention toward exactly the same goal; yet even better, the program is completely free. While a basket is passed at meetings for donations, members and attendees typically deposit no more than a dollar or two in order to cover the cost of rental space, coffee and basic materials. The fellowship is made up of individuals who come together at weekly meetings to discuss, and learn how to work through, negative thoughts and emotional patterns. An especially important element of Emotions Anonymous is the tradition of member helping member find a path to contentment. Established in 1971, EA is a 12-step recovery program with no religious affiliation. The program's primary purpose is to help individuals live fruitful lives while learning to overcome issues as diverse as depression, anger, broken or strained relationships, grief, anxiety, low self-esteem, panic, abnormal fears, resentment, jealousy, guilt, despair, fatigue, tension, boredom, loneliness, withdrawal, obsessive and negative thinking, worry, compulsive behavior and a variety of other emotional issues. There's no need to make appointments or purchase any materials. Simply look up the time and location for the nearest EA meeting and attend. New members and those simply seeking more information are always welcome. Don't be shy. 12-step meetings are always very informal and comfortable.
Free 12-Step Programs
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the grandfather of all 12-step recovery programs. Founded in 1935, more than 17 years before the principles of the Sedona Method began to shape, AA has transformed millions of lives and influenced the principles of numerous personal growth and recovery programs. Frankly, if an individual is interested in improving his life through implementation of the Sedona Method, it likely means he's searching for a happiness and success in life that is missing. That's also the goal of every 12-step recovery program in existence; and there are literally dozens of them. Depressed Anonymous, Domestic Violence Anonymous, Anorexics & Bulimics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous, Workaholics Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, each one of them completely free. Almost any issue that could be answered by the Sedona Method likely has a corresponding 12-step program of benefit.
While each recovery program focuses on a particular obsession or addiction, the underlying hope of each is to address the emotional disturbance and unhappiness that triggers negative thinking and damaging behavior.
Local Discussions
If working on life success through a 12-step program is something you're not quite capable of tackling right now, consider searching for people with similar interests in your city. Websites like meetup.com provide listings of interesting, specialized groups that gather to network and discuss a myriad of subjects. It's quite easy to find local people meeting regularly to share conversation about the Sedona Method and any variety of self-help and spiritual programs.