What Is the Acupressure Point for Stress?
Acupressure Point One
GV 24.5 is found in the indentation between the forehead and bridge of the nose, directly between the two eyebrows. Known as the third eye point, it is an easily accessible point to relieve stress and tension.
Acupressure Point Two
CV 17 is located in the middle of the breastbone, approximately three finger-widths up from the bottom of the sternum. Pressing here may relieve tension in the chest, anxiety, depression and other emotional disturbances.
Acupressure Point Three
LU 1 is found on the outer part of the chest near the armpits on both sides of the body. It is 1 to 1-1/2 inches in toward the center of the chest and four finger-widths upward from the armpit. Using all four fingers in the area will contact the point effectively. This acupressure point helps facilitate easier breathing and relieves muscle tension.
Acupressure Point Four
B 10 is located at the bottom of the skull just below the bony ridge on the firm cervical spine muscles. There is a point located on either side of the vertebrae. This point is helps combat exhaustion, tension and insomnia.
Acupressure Point Five
TW 15 is found at the middle of the shoulders, approximately 1 inch below the highest point of the shoulder. Finger pressure here may relieve nervous tension and upper body pain.