The Dwoskin Sedona Method
Principles of the Dwoskin Sedona Method
The Sedona Method acknowledges the power of thoughts, beliefs and attitudes and proposes that although one might know that these are not always beneficial, it is difficult to alter the way that we react in a given situation. However, each time we have a recurring thought, we actualize it and give it more power. We therefore become our own worst enemy by embracing these feelings repeatedly. We may know how we react in a given situation, but unless we do something to alter it, we cannot become a master of our thoughts and actions.
Dwoskin Sedona Method
The seminars allow participants to speak about their beliefs and limitations and "release" them. The Dwoskin Sedona Method asks a series of questions that help develop a sense of personal awareness in regard to feelings and guide a person to let go. The Sedona Method focuses on learning methods to remove the limitations we put on ourselves that prevent us from attaining abundance, happiness, health and success.
How the Dwoskin Sedona Method Is Useful
The Dwoskin Sedona Method offers a way for us to master our emotions and let go of addictions, disorders, trauma, grief and other attitudes, habits or experiences that hold us back. By focusing on abundance and freedom, the Sedona Method provides tools to take control of thoughts and actions. This method allows people to accept or learn what they are meant to do because they no longer waver in their ability. The Dwoskin Sedona Method focuses on achieving goals by making shifts in self-esteem, feelings, and by helping participants understand that attaining emotional freedom is possible.
If a person has an eating disorder, it often stems from problems with self-esteem or abuse. The Sedona Method focuses on acknowledgment of the feelings that surround the sources of actions and thoughts, such as the desire to control food intake. The Sedona Method focuses on stopping the cycle of low self-esteem by letting go and focusing on what a person actually desires. As a substitute, a person can focus on self-confidence and healing.
Effects of the Dwoskin Sedona Method
We are able to make our own choices clearly and effectively without getting wrapped up in emotion. We can therefore lead a contented and happy life. Practice of the Dwoskin Sedona Method is designed to help support the power of positive thinking, an increase in love toward one another, changes in behavior, effective communication and an improvement in other areas through a new approach.