Calculating Biorhythms
There are three cycles to each biorhythm: physical, emotional and intellectual well-being. Each one of those cycles has highs, lows and neutral points. The high point during a cycle is the day the person is at an optimum level for that cycle and will have the best performance. For example, when the physical cycle is at its peak, the person will perform better physically on that day in comparison to low and neutral days. The low point during a cycle is the day of worst performance because the body is resting with respect to that area.
Additionally, all three cycles operate on different schedules so it is possible to have a high physical day but a low emotional and intellectual day or any other similar combination. Any low day in any cycle is not necessarily a cause for concern but high days should be focused on, tailoring events and schedules around them to the extent possible.
Also pay special attention to double days and triple days, which occur when two or all three of the cycles are at the same point. It is important to pay attention to these critical days as they only happen every seven to eight years and can mark a moment of great achievement or great failure.
All three cycles last for a different amount of time. The shortest cycle is the physical biorhythm cycle, which lasts 23 days. The emotional biorhythm cycle lasts 28 days, and the intellectual biorhythm cycle, the longest, lasts 33 days.
The physical biorhythm cycle regulates coordination, strength, endurance, stamina, sex drive, the immune system and general well-being. The emotional biorhythm cycle regulates perception, mood, creativity, sensitivity, feelings, temperament, affection and awareness. Lastly, the intellectual biorhythm cycle regulates memory, logic, alertness, analytical thinking, communication, ambition and judgement.
How to Calculate
To calculate a biorhythm, begin with the person's birth date, which is the starting point. Then calculate the number of days that have passed from the birth date to present day. Be sure to include extra days for leap years. Using that number, divide it by the number of days in a biorhythm cycle. For instance, to determine the emotional biorhythm cycle, divide the total number of days by 28. The resulting number signifies how many days into that cycle the person is at the present moment. Once all three cycles have been calculated, chart the biorhythms and a wave will result demonstrating when each cycle is high, low or neutral.