Types of Meditation Techniques

Meditation is a means to quiet the mind, increase awareness, reduce stress and cultivate positive qualities such as kindness, empathy and compassion. Many types of mediation are practiced for health and spiritual purposes.
  1. History

    • Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and is prevalent in the world's great religions. Research is being conducted on how meditation improves health and influences brain function.


    • Meditation types include mindfulness/awareness (focus on object/insight), contemplative (focus on a prayer or concept), transcendental (focus on mantra), visualization (focus on symbolic mental image), walking (focus on feet touching floor), body-scan (body awareness), loving-kindness (cultivate love) and tonglen (cultivate compassion).


    • Meditation can reduce stress, improve health and immune function, increase empathy, and deepen spiritual connection.


    • Individuals can determine the meditation best suited to personal goals, religious affiliation, physical condition and time commitment.

    Expert Insight

    • Meditation involves one-pointed focus on an object, whether it's the breath, a prayer, body awareness, a contemplation or a physical object. Repeatedly placing the mind's attention on an object can lead to insight and wisdom.

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