Positive Thinking Tips
Trust Your Higher Power
Trust in your Higher Power. Having faith is an important element of positive thinking. Faith is closely linked to hope and hope is the essence of positive thinking. Negative thinkers generally expect and fear the worst outcome. Unfortunately, this tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy that in turn reinforces the tendency to think negatively. Because positive thinkers have faith and hope for the best, they tend to land on their feet.
Realistic Expectations
Have realistic expectations. In M. Scott Peck's book "The Road Less Traveled," the opening sentence reads "Life is difficult." According to its author, the reason many people are dissatisfied in life is that they expect life to be easy. Understanding that life is full of challenges and that overcoming them makes you stronger will help you maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity and will foster your own growth.
See the Good in People
Look for the good in people, including yourself. Everyone has positive qualities as well as weaknesses. If you focus on the negative aspects of people, you will treat them accordingly and bring out the worst in them. However, if you focus on whatever good is in people, you will treat them better and make them feel good about themselves. Who doesn't like being around someone who makes her feel good about herself? This brings the added benefit of motivating people to speak and act in your favor when the occasion presents itself. Also, if you focus on your own positive qualities rather than looking for faults, you will project yourself as a more-positive person and feel better about yourself.
Learn and Grow
Be willing to learn and grow. Repeat this mantra to yourself: "Change is good." Start by changing your paradigm, how you look at things--look for the silver lining, view challenges as opportunities. Appreciate learning something new every day and look forward to growing a little more as a person with each passing year.
Respect Limitations
Understand your limitations. You cannot be all things to all people and there are things (including, but not limited to, other people) that are outside your control. Let go of your need to control situations and you will be much more positive. Not understanding this concept will no doubt make you a bitter and frustrated individual.
An Attitude of Gratitude
Have an attitude of gratitude. No matter how bad your situation is, picture ways in which it could be worse and then be grateful it is not. People who always see the glass as half empty never can enjoy what they have. Celebrate all the good that is in your life and all you are able to accomplish and you will be setting the stage for more good things to enter your life.