How to Overcome Anxiety & Stress
Things You'll Need
- Omega-3 fatty acid capsules
- Multivitamins
Begin meditating on a daily basis. There are many forms of meditation, so you can choose any style that you feel comfortable with. One form of anxiety release may be to imagine a golden sun in front of you and, with every inhale, imagine breathing light into your heart and, with every exhale, imagine it circulating through your body. Do this for 10 minutes, imagining all your tensions turning to light.
Exercise daily for 1 hour. This can include taking a walk, a swim, a dance or yoga class or a session of training with weights. One hour of physical activity will help everything to flow and work properly in your body, which will give you the energy and stamina to deal with each day. Exercise will help to release endorphins and help you to get a deeper sleep, which will allow you to feel rejuvenated for the next day.
Practice deep breathing exercises. Breathe in for four counts, hold the breathe four counts, exhale four counts and hold the breathe out four counts. When doing this breathing exercise breathe into the diaphragm, placing your hands at the bottom of your ribcage and making sure the diaphragm expands on the inhale and deflates on the exhale.
Review your diet and cut down on refined sugars and white flour in pasta and bread, as they send the blood sugar levels up and then down, which ultimately affects your mood and energy levels. Caffeine should be cut from the diet if you are suffering from stress and anxiety. Fried foods will increase fats in the body, which will lead to feeling lethargic and should also be cut. Fill your diet with at least 8 glasses of water a day and plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Take omega-3 fatty acids from fish or flaxseed oil. This will keep all the blood vessels, nerves and joints in your body healthy. Once you have been taking these for 1 month every day, your energy levels and ability to deal with stress and anxiety will greatly increase. Taking a multivitamin containing the vitamin B group will help to keep the nervous system healthy. An herbal supplement such as St. John's wort will help to combat stress and depression. See your doctor before taking any supplements to make sure they are right for you.
See a counselor or therapist so that you can talk and discuss the current issues on your mind. This can help you to get perspective on how you are perceiving, approaching and reacting to life. Cognitive therapy undergone with a therapist is a recommended form of treatment for dealing with anxiety.