What Are Five Types of Self Relaxation Stress Relievers?
Deep Breathing
This replenishes the body with more oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, reversing the effects of stress. To perform a deep breathing exercise, sit relaxed with a straight back. Then start taking deep breaths. The breathing motion should come from the abdomen rather than the chest because it allows more oxygen to enter your body. Count the number of breaths you take. Do this for 20 to 30 minutes daily.
One type of meditation calls for you to focus on any object, sound, image or thought and take deep breaths for about 20 to 30 minutes. This prevents distraction of the mind and results in relaxation and mood elevation.
This exercise promotes relaxation of the mind and body through exercise, stretching and meditation.
Breathing in scents such as peppermint and lavender may soothe the mind and relax the body.
Scalp Massage
Place your thumbs behind your ears while spreading your fingers on top of your head. Move your scalp back and forth slightly by making circles with your fingertips for 15 to 20 seconds. This helps relieve muscle tension.
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