How to Manage Stress and Get Through Tough Times

Stress, like death and taxes, is one of life's certainties. Everyone, at some point in their life, has had to struggle to cope with seemingly unrelenting stress. Learning to manage stress successfully, therefore, is key to leading a happy, healthy life.


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      Have faith in yourself. People who believe in their own strength more often than not are better at handling stress than people who see themselves as weak or helpless. If you believe you can get through anything, typically, you can.

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      Recall times in your life when you felt stressed similarly. Don't dwell on the events that took place, but rather, remind yourself that despite all of what happened, you were able to get through it.

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      Realize that while it may not be possible to avoid stressful situations completely, you can change how you deal with them. How you cope with stress all depends on your attitude.

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      Think positive. While it may seem impossible, being pessimistic is not going to do anything except make you feel worse. Instead, believe that things will eventually get better.

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      Meditate. Scientific studies have shown that meditation has had success in lowering physical & mental stress, as well as improving overall health.

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      Do something you enjoy. Whether it be reading, going for a walk, or seeing a movie, do something that takes your mind off your stress and allows you relax for a short time.

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      Talk to someone. Sometimes, when the stress is piling up, it helps to talk to a close confidante, someone who will listen to your problems and not judge. Be it a friend, family member or professional counselor, if you feel like the world is weighing too heavily on your shoulders, it might help to talk about it with someone.

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