How to Handle Mood Swings

Everyone has been on both ends of a surprise swing in mood at one point or another. Changes in mood are often the product of stress that seems difficult to manage, if not overwhelming. But it's just as hard to combat mood swings on your own. Resolving these problems usually requires inner reflection and stress management. The key to alleviating mood swings is to find out what is causing them and seek an alternative method of dealing with those factors.


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      Look at what's going on in your life or is on the radar. Be aware of the various factors--an important meeting, a recently-ended relationship, bills due--and keep these stresses in mind to avoid directing anger or frustration towards other people.

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      Plan ahead. How will you handle the difficult circumstances when they arise? Don't leave yourself on an island without any options. Similarly, if you are trying to help someone else handle their mood swings, be prepared for the worst. Don't take their words to heart if they're pointed at you, and remember the therapy you are trying to provide.

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      Get active. Physical activity releases endorphins that make people happier. It also releases stress and can provide you with quiet time in peaceful settings if you pursue activities such as running or biking.

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      Acknowledge when your mood swings are getting the best of you. It won't alleviate the mood swings, but it will help those around you understand where you are coming from and be more sympathetic.

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      Lean on friends and family. Many people who become overwhelmed with stress are hesitant to accept help from other people, or they feel they need to do everything themselves. Let someone else worry from time to time and take a vacation from your problems.

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      Avoid looking too far into the future--or at too much at once. Bite off what you can chew. Break things down into manageable challenges and pick them off one by one.

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