Breathing Exercises to Relax
Sit or lie down in a comfortable location. This can be a comfy chair, a sofa, or your bed. You can even practice relaxation breathing in an elevator, a stairwell, or in your office cubicle. You can perform this exercise standing, sitting or lying down, but the important thing to remember is to be comfortable!
Very slowly inhale, until you cannot possible hold any more air in your lungs. Suck your stomach or belly back, as if you're trying to touch your belly button to your spine. You can do this in any position.
Very slowly, maintaining focus on your lungs, exhale the air from your lungs, focusing on loosening and relaxing every muscle in your body as you exhale, as if you're literally blowing the stress or anxiety out of your body with your breath.
Mental Focus
Repeat the breathing in and breathing out process, this time focusing your thoughts on your mind. Try your best to clear your mind, if only for a moment, of all stress and anxiety. Live in the moment, literally! Focus on your body, your lungs, your heart rate, and your mind. Envision everything in your body slowing down: your blood flow, the electrical impulses racing through your brain, and the interactions between muscles. Relax your neck and shoulders and focus on the breathing.
Perform this relaxation breathing exercise several times during the day. This exercise can be taught to young children or seniors. Everyone benefits from deep breathing relaxation. Stress and anxiety melt away at any time of the day. This exercise also helps to lower blood pressure, which is good for you and your heart!