How to Make Yourself Dream More
Improve the quality of your sleep in order to improve your ability to dream. Avoid eating a heavy meal right before going to sleep. Avoid watching stimulating TV programs, such as the news. These programs can create anxiety, which can block dreams, according to Fontana.
Avoid sleeping aids, as they can prevent you from having dreams. Consume less caffeine, as well.
Imagine a realistic landscape with a wall. On the other side of the wall, imagine that there is a fantastic reality. According to Fontana, this is one of the easiest ways to dream more.
Use another visualization technique created by Fontana. Close your eyes and imagine your ideal house. In this case, imagine that it has three floors. Visualize what the house looks like from the outside. Enter the house. As you visit each room, imagine the furniture in the space. Doing so may prompt old dreams to resurface. Your mind may replay old dreams for clarity, or update the dreams with more current information.