How to Reach Enlightenment in Everyday Life
Live in the moment. Dwelling on the past won't change anything. Worrying about the future will just make you anxious. Life is going on RIGHT NOW. Enjoy it.
Get Out of the Way! Your ego gets in the way much more than you know. If you look objectively at most of the things that upset you you will find that it's because of a bruised ego. If someone does something that annoys you, what do you say to yourself? It's not "Why did that person do that" so much as "Why did that person do that thing that's going to affect ME???" If you lose the "ME" you'll lose the annoyance. Really.
Let Go. Attachment to things is one of the main weights keeping you from reaching enlightenment. It's not just material things. Habits, addictions, and prejudices are all attachments to get rid of. Hey - no one said this would be easy.
Meditate. Take at least 20 minutes daily to sit quietly and meditate. Find a meditation technique you like and stick to it faithfully. This will help quiet your mind and bring you inner peace.
Remember what they say: Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water.