How to Find your Zen
Things You'll Need
- Willingness to change lifestyle.
Always make time to clear your mind. What I mean by this is, no matter where you are and what you are doing, stop, take a breath. Find a quiet place for 10 minutes. Now close your eyes, and practice deep inhalations and long exhalations. When you do this, you can think clearer, focus on the moment, rid the noise in your head, worry less. Remember this is for your health, it also feels great when your mind is not bombarded with so many thoughts.
Make sure you take mental health days. We work hard, we strive, we climb , we persist, we struggle. We hold on tight to our dreams and pursue our goals with so much energy, we tend to burn ourselves out. Remember to take time for you. Take a break, mental health days are important to function in every day life. Remember you are worth it!
Remind yourself through peace you gain strength. What I mean by this is, if you can not remain calm or peaceful, you can not be productive or maintain energy if you are constantly worrying or stressing. Without peace, there is no calm. Peace is never weak, beneath it's serenity lies a magnitude of strength.
Accept yourself. be at peace with who you are. Stop trying to impress or be someone else. You have to live up to YOUR own expectations not any one elses.
Surround yourself with nature. There is nothing more soothing than a walk amoungst nature. The trees, lakes, streams, clouds, stars, birds, country roads. Go to your local park, take a week-end getaway to a beautiful spot, embrace the serenity and tranquilty and let yourself be nurtured by all the beauty in this world.
Surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Do not keep compnay with people who discourage you or make you feel down or bad about yourself. people who give off light and positive energy are people who will encourage and supprt you. People who judge and critisize you, people who use you as a sounding board and who gossip tend to drain. These people also have a tendency, if they constantly judge you, project thier issues on you, suck your energy and leave you feeling lathargic and ill, they drain you. Remember to be-freind people who bring joy into your life.
Walk light. What I mean by this is, let things go. When we are angry, upset and hurt, we tend to hold onto it. We get insulted, we get resentful, our ego will not allow us to let things go, we stay angry. When you hold onto these negative feelings, you allow for toxins to build within your body. Letting things go means you are at peace, your accept and surrender. So walk with a light step and a lighter heart.