How to Live Life with Passion
List your goals and dreams in life. Include objectives related to your career, family, hobbies and finances. Include every goal you have, no matter how insignificant or silly. Rank the list to identify the goals you are most passionate about achieving.
Decide on the goals and dreams to which you want to dedicate your life. Choose a few main long-term objectives -- such as starting a business, helping the poor or rescuing neglected animals -- and search for jobs or situations that will help you achieve these objectives. Set short-term goals to accomplish along the way, and update your life goals list continually to stay focused and passionate about your life's mission.
Think positively. Avoid negative thinking of your own and negative remarks from others. Look on the bright side of every situation. When you make mistakes, pick yourself up and refocus on your goals.
Do what it takes to reach your goals. Running a business, for example, requires working long hours, securing bank loans and filling out piles of paperwork. Becoming a novelist requires the hard work it takes to write, edit, publish and market a book.