How to Complete an Assignment with Minimal Stress
Before starting your assignment, make sure you're well rested. If you don't get enough sleep, your ability to concentrate on your work will be impaired and you can become easily stressed.
Focus on your work and do not let anything distract you from it. Don't take phone calls, don't watch television while you're working, don't let your mind wander, and don't get up to have a snack. Tell everyone in the house not to disturb you while you're working, unless, of course, the house is on fire or there's some other urgent situation. Get as much work done as you can in one sitting, but don't push yourself too hard. Once you feel you've completed the bulk of your assignment, you should feel a little more relaxed.
Break when you feel the need to. Breaks give your mind a chance to rest and help you get back to your work with renewed energy. Take ten minutes to close your eyes and sit in silence, stretch, or take in a sweet and healthy treat. Practice deep breathing exercises.
Talk to someone close to you about the pressure you're feeling. Vent, if you need to. You will feel better after releasing your feelings, and your friend may be able to offer you some soothing advice.