About Life Management Skills
Children who are brought to the bank and taught how to open an account and save money for the future often have a better grasp on managing their money than those who begin banking as an adult. For those who feel the lack of sound financial training, there are a number of sources that can be helpful. Practical Money Skills, Money Instructor and Time Maps are sites that offer programs and tutorials that can help educators create money management courses. Individuals can sign up for the important financial life management lessons as they pertain to financial security.
According the National Institutes of Health, stress can be a leading factor in heart disease, depression and a host of other medical problems. In addition to financial problems, struggles with time management, relationships and the ability to cope with change can lead to stress. Learning how to deal with situations that cause stress can be learned through seminars and training, such as courses from Family Doctor and a host of other books and websites.
Time management is a life skill that is underrated. Poor time management skills can be detrimental to careers and personal relationships. There are a host of tools that can teach time management. The Mind Tools website has an in-depth program that includes techniques for preventing procrastination, how to set goals and plan priorities. Once incorporated, the ability to manage activities can lead to less stress and more productive life management skills.
Early Training
A lack of relevant life management skills can lead to a life of crime, according to ARISE, a nonprofit organization that provides training for educators and professionals that work with at-risk youths. Through comprehensive training of life management skills, many young people can be steered away from crime and gangs into more productive lifestyles. Training by the group includes topics such as self-esteem building, anger management, social etiquette and personal hygiene.
Communication skills are important life management competencies that go beyond simply speaking and writing. Knowing how to interact with other people from various backgrounds, how to express feelings appropriately, how to be assertive and how to avoid conflict are important tools for success in life. Often therapy or other interventions bring this kind of training to those who need it. Books and courses such as those published by Worldview Publishing can aid in the development of vital life management skills, such as social skills, character building and parenting.