How to Get Over Your Nerves
Determine the exact nature of your fear. Ask yourself what is causing your nerves. For example, if you are afraid to give a public speech and you will be presenting to an audience in the next hour, it will be obvious that your fear and anxiety comes from speaking in front of a group. Identifying the source of your fear is imperative to overcoming your nerves.
Ask yourself what the worst that can happen is. Most of the time, nerves are irrational and realizing how irrational your nerves are may help you to come to terms with your anxiety. For example, if you are nervous about flying across the country next week, research airplane safety information and determine how unlikely it actually is that your plane will crash.
Prepare yourself mentally for what is going to take place. For example, if you are nervous to have a serious talk with your boyfriend, remind yourself that he is a reasonable person that may be upset with what you have to say but will ultimately understand your point of view. Consider every possible action and reaction so that you become more comfortable with all the possibilities.
Acknowledge your fears by communicating with someone else about them. If your nerves are severe and keeping you from your daily life consider speaking with a counselor who can help you with coping strategies. For smaller issues, talk with your family and friends and find out how they deal with the fear you are trying to overcome.
Exercise before the big event. If your presentation is coming up later this afternoon, go for a run in the morning to work off some of the nerves. Choose an exercise that you find fun and exciting, but also challenging. Exercise can reduce stress levels and is often prescribed to patients undergoing therapy for anxiety.
Face your fear. Whenever possible, do the thing that is causing you to be nervous and scared. Then, the next time you have to face your fear your nerves will probably not bother you as much. Each time you face your fear your anxiety will diminish more and more.