Health Benefits of Laughter
Laughter is an inborn response to something funny and it is a way of communicating mental or physical enjoyment to others.
Types of health benefits from laughter may include better physical health and improved mental health.
Physical health benefits from laughter may include lower blood pressure, fewer illnesses and a lower risk for heart disease.
Mental health benefits from laughter may include less stress, a better ability to cope, and improved memory.
Even a small amount of laughter may go a long way in reducing stress and improving one's mood.
While laughter may help reduce occasional feelings of sadness or disappointment, prolonged depression may require treatment by a physician or counselor.
As opposed to prescription or over-the-counter medications, laughter has no negative physical side effects. Unlike costly prescription drugs or other forms of treatment, laughter does not have to cost any money. Laughter is immediate, and the benefits start working right away.
Bringing more laughter into life by watching comedy movies and television, reading humorous books or comics, or simply spending time joking among friends. This may be an easy solution to increase the health benefits that come from laughter.