How to Reduce Overall Stress
Take time to meditate or pray every day. It could be in the morning or before bed, or even on your break, but take about 5 minutes a day to meditate. Longer periods of meditations every day will have even better results. According to, daily meditation can help teach you how to stay calm in moments of stress. You can buy a guided meditation CD to help you get started in mediation.
Practice deep breathing on a daily basis. You can do this while you are cooking, working, or doing other activities. You should not practice deep breathing when you are driving because it is relaxing. You can keep your eyes open or closed. You could be sitting or standing. Breathe in slow and steady through your nose for as long as you can. Hold your hand on your belly to ensure it expands. Now purse your lips and breathe slow and steady out as far as you can. Do this for 5 minutes a day, or longer.
Practice yoga. Yoga uses deep breathing, as well as still poses and moving poses. Start with the Yoga for Stress Relief DVD (see Resources below), or join a Yoga class at your local gym. Either one can help you learn Yoga and start practicing it daily.