Guided Imagery Certification
Only licensed professionals can obtain guided imagery certification. Many nurses, physicians, life coaches and hypnotherapists also become guided imagery therapists. Students pursuing academic studies in health related fields are also eligible to pursue classes. Schools that offer guided imagery certification must be licensed by the state.
Many guided imagery certification program directors are willing to bring classes to your health care facility, depending on the interest level and your locale. The American Academy of Guided Imagery establishes the criteria necessary for healthcare professionals to possess Professional Certification in Interactive Guided Imagery.
Once you become certified you can then use the title Certified Interactive Imagery Guide. Requirements include 150 hours of guided imagery certification curriculum.
As a certified imagery therapist, you can improve client communication, establishing the best rapport possible, while offering a complementary approach that can accelerate the healing process. Many hospitals employ guided imagery therapists to help patients cope with an illness.
Professionals who have guided imagery certification can help children with behavior problems, assist patients to relax during dental and medical procedures, help people improve energy and show others how to boost job performance.
Guided imagery is believed to promote healing by connecting mind with body. During positive visualization, the hypothalamus, the area of the brain that produces emotion, is stimulated. In turn, the chemistry of the body changes by releasing beneficial chemicals, called neuropeptides. Neuropeptides can be harmful or beneficial.
Beneficial neuropeptides can reduce inflammation in the body, promoting wound healing. Neuropeptides control memory, energy, body weight and immune function.
Guided imagery certification can be useful for all healthcare providers who desire to expand the scope of their practice. Guided imagery is recognized as a beneficial means of promoting health and well-being. Guided imagery therapy is especially useful for treating chronic pain. Traditional medicine has its limits, making guided imagery certification a valuable tool for healthcare professionals.
Guided imagery certification allows you to help others to alleviate symptoms of many diseases. Studies have shown that women with interstitial cystitis experience reduction in symptoms through guided imagery, while another study shows that pain can be changed, if not alleviated, through guided imagery. If your goal is to expand your role as a licensed professional, consider guided imagery certification.