Meditation Breathing Techniques
Every spiritual tradition recognizes that breath is life and that to control one's breath means to experience a sense of being grounded in the present moment. As practitioners continue with breathing meditation, they come to new realizations and begin to release the attachments that cause stress and unhappiness. Whether a person practices yoga breathing (pranayama) or works to center the mind and body in preparation for Christian contemplation, or simply practices non-sectarian breath work, the results are certain to be positive. But for members of religions, breathing meditation has far loftier goals. Hindus and Buddhists see breathing meditation as a path to liberation from the illusions and suffering of material life. For Christianity, breath is the central means by which God brought life to human beings.
There are many types of breathing techniques. A simple method is to sit either in half- or full-lotus position, or to sit in a comfortable chair. Place your feet flat on the ground, legs uncrossed. Sit straight, but not rigidly so, and allow your hands to rest, palms facing upward, with the tips of each thumb gently touching the corresponding tip of each forefinger. You may close your eyes or focus them slightly downward. Breathe in through your nose, slowly. As you inhale, imagine that your belly is blowing up like a balloon. At the end of the inhalation, pause. Release your breath slowly through pursed lips. You may add a simple mantra. One or two syllables are adequate and you can choose what feels right to you.
Pranayama is a form of yoga practice, and includes many breathing techniques. Victorious Breath, Cleansing Breath, Alternate Nostril Breath are just three pranayama breathing meditation techniques. Buddhist schools emphasizes the importance of controlled breathing. In Christianity, contemplatives practice Centering Prayer, which is accompanied by centering breathing.
In its pure form, pranayama brings the practitioner along the path to liberation from the endless cycle of rebirth. Buddhists seek Nirvana, release from suffering and its causes. Christian breathing meditation brings seekers into restful and prayerful communion with God. But for all practitioners, breathing techniques have been shown to reduce anxiety and stress.
In order to approach breathing meditation with due respect, one must determine what one wants to achieve and what one believes. This will be an easy task for someone who is on a spiritual path. For others, some investigation may be in order. It may be that a person merely wants to experience peace of mind without any religious attachments. In such cases, simple breathing will achieve a balanced mind and body. Regardless of one's goals, earthly or otherworldly, breathing mediation is an ancient and proven path to peace of mind and, if one desires, much more.