How to Manage Emotions
Set aside a bit of time for yourself to cool off. Find or create a quiet, peaceful environment. This can be indoors or outdoors.
Take a moderately paced walk to clear your mind. Try to avoid dwelling on the situation that provoked the emotions you are experiencing. Take deep breaths as you stroll. Concentrate on the sound of your deep breathing and foot steps. Continue walking until you are relaxed or more levelheaded.
Knead modeling clay. Allow yourself to shape, squeeze or otherwise manipulate the substance for as long as you like. Continue to focus on deep breathing in order to cleanse your lungs and mind.
Executing a simple stretch will release tension from your limbs and help to further ease your emotional turmoil. Begin by stretching your arms over head, reaching as far up as possible. Fold your body over to grasp your ankles. Repeat 6 to 8 times, then relax on a yoga mat or towel.
Write a letter to yourself detailing exactly what you are feeling. Don't worry about clarity or style. Write whatever feels right to you. Include what you think may be the root causes of your emotions. Brainstorm ideas for addressing these issues in the future.
Express your emotions through some kind of artistic outlet. This can help you deal with any emotion that comes your way. Dance, sing or work out. Do what it takes to deal with your feelings in a way that doesn't hurt yourself or others.