How to Program Your Mind for Success
Define your goals. Ask yourself in which areas of your life you desire success. In order to achieve your goals, you must first know exactly what they are.
Remember, you are reprogramming your mind, so answer your questions positively. Write a list of positive questions and answers. If you want to program your mind to help you get a new job, for example, grand statements such as: "I can get that job," are likely to be rejected by your subconscious mind, because you don't really believe what you have written. Instead, write questions such as: "Why am I capable of getting that job?" Then, answer the question with a list of your positive talents and skills. Try to be positive as you answer your questions. Then read the list every day. After a few days, add a new question, such as: "Why am I becoming more positive?"
Think positive. If you constantly assume that a negative thought is true, such as "I will never pass that test," your subconscious mind will believe you. When you have a negative thought, try to alter it to something positive, such as: "I'm going to study really hard."
Find a place to meditate where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Meditate. You do not have to sit cross-legged on a mountain to do this. Simply find a quiet, relaxing space where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes, concentrate on breathing and relaxing and think about the success you have achieved in your life so far. For example, winning a competition at school, gaining a place in university or getting your first job. Think positive thoughts such as "I am a good person," and meditate about times you have proved this, by helping a friend in need or donating to a charity, for example.
Start a journal of gratitude. Ultimate Mind says that maintaining a gratitude journal can create a huge change in the way you think and feel. Throughout the day, keep an eye out for things that make you grateful, such as a beautiful flower or the sunshine. When you go to bed each night, write five of these things on your journal. Note any difficulties you experience throughout the day, and try to add a positive angle to these obstacles. Add positive quotes, pictures that make you feel happy and anything else you feel should be given a place in the gratitude journal.