How to Use the Thought Stopping Method
Things You'll Need
- It is extremely important that an individual attempting to learn the art of thought stopping be willing to practice and give himself plenty of time for mastery.
Ask your self these questions about the stressful thought:1. Is the thought realistic or unrealistic?2. Is the thought productive or counter-productive?3. Is the thought neutral or self-defeating?4. Is the thought easy or hard to control?Thought stopping requires consistent motivation. Decide if you want to eliminate the stressful thought. Select a thought you feel strongly committed to extinguish, and follow the procedure listed below.
Imagine the thoughtClose your eyes and bring into your imagination a situation in which the stressful thought is likely to occur. Try to include normal, as well as the distorted, thinking. In this way, you can interrupt the stressful thoughts while allowing a continuing flow of healthy thinking.
Set an egg timer or alarm clock for three minutes. Look away, close your eyes, and ruminate on your stressful thought as described above. When you hear the ring, shout "Stop!" You may also want to raise your hand, snap your fingers, or stand up, whichever you prefer. Let your mind empty of all but the neutral or non-anxious thoughts. Set a goal of about 30 seconds after the stop, during which the mind remains blank. If the upsetting thought returns during that time, shout "Stop" again.
Learn to take this to a new level: Unaided thought interruption.Now take control of the thought stopping cue, without the timer. While ruminating on the unwanted thought, shout "Stop!" When you succeed in extinguishing the thought on several occasions with the shout command, begin interrupting the thought with "Stop" said in a normal voice. After succeeding in stopping the thought by using your normal speaking voice, start interrupting the unwanted thought with "Stop" verbalized in a whisper.When the whisper is sufficient to interrupt stressful thoughts, imagine hearing "Stop" shouted inside your mind. Tighten your vocal chords and move your mouth and tongue as if you were saying "Stop" out loud. Success at this stage means that you can stop unwanted thoughts alone, or in public, without making a sound or calling attention to yourself.
Learn thought substitution.The last phase of thought stopping involves thought substitution. In place of the obsessive thought, make up some positive, assertive, statements that are appropriate in the target situation. Develop several alternative assertive statements to say to yourself. For example: This is a fantastically, beautiful view from way up here.