How to Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively
Realize that everything that happens in your life only directly affects you. Too many times people think of a resulting impact on others and neglect their own feeling and life situation. If you do this enough in your own life, will feel the result and eventually it will affect others around you.
Understand that nothing or no one can make you happy. Only you can make you happy. Often people will look to other people or things for comfort and positive energy. This is a mistake because it is impossible for another person or thing to have the ability to erase negative influence and make you live positively. In the end, there is only you and in yourself, you must find contentment.
Set positive and life affirming goals. Goal setting that is in any way negative will have a detrimental effect on your life. For instance, if your goals focus on anything but things you can control, this will lead to negative influences.
Find the positive aspect of every situation in your life. If you look hard, every single situation you face can provide an opportunity for you to live positively.
Take the advice of others and put a positive spin on it. Not all the advice you will get is positive but that does not mean you should ignore it either. You can take negative advice and use it to erase the negative influence and live positively.
Appreciate that despite what others say and do to you, they have never walked a single day in your shoes. No one can truly understand what it is like to live your life but you.