How to Deal With Being Hated
Start by examining the reasons behind your low approval rating. Assess your behavior over a period of time and see if you can't empathize with those who hate you and try to understand their position.
Write down your positive qualities to help combat all of the negative energy that is being directed toward you through people's distaste of you. Run through a list of your accomplishments and achievements as well as character traits and good deeds you have done throughout your life.
Remember all of the people who love you. Typically your parents, spouse, children or even pets qualify as people who unconditionally love you even when they don't like you all the time. Find solace in the people who do love and appreciate you and try to eliminate thoughts of all the people who don't like you.
Give yourself affirming thoughts on your mirror every day to combat negative self esteem messages. Write affirmations like "you are a valuable and kind person" or "you are worthy" to help remind you that even if people hate you you're still a valuable human being who deserves happiness.
Develop a spiritual practice to nurture your soul and give you a foundation of love and compassion to fall back on when times are tough. Try meditating at least once a day for 10 minutes and forgetting all of the negativity in your life to gain perspective on what really matters.