How to Let Out Anger

We have a lot of stress in our lives today and a lot of emotions to deal with. Anger is an emotion that we have been taught is bad. But keeping anger inside is very unhealthy. It can lead to heart attacks, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Instead of trying to suppress your anger, find healthy ways to let it out.


    • 1

      Take a deep, slow breath and let it out slowly. Repeat this a few times until you feel a little calmer.

    • 2

      Allow yourself to be angry, then figure out why you're angry. Say out loud, "I am angry because..."

    • 3

      Write your thoughts and feelings on paper. As you write, more and more of what you're angry about will come out and you'll start to feel better.

    • 4

      Talk with someone who is not related to your anger.

    • 5

      Do some form of physical exercise to help release your anger. You could also scream, hit a pillow or beat on a thick cushion, like your mattress. Physically release the anger inside.

    • 6

      Meditate, do yoga or listen to relaxing music.

    • 7

      Scream. Find an empty room away from people, then just scream out loud until you feel better. If there are people within hearing range, scream into a pillow.

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