How to Find a Christian Life Coach
Ask your minister or someone from your church for a reference. A personal reference from some one you know is very valuable. Life coaching has become very popular and coaches abound in every religious sect.
Look online for Christian life coaches. Life coaching is primarily done over the phone, no matter where the parties reside. Some life coaches also counsel by email.
Find out if your life coach has any relevant certifications, degrees, pastoral experience or counseling experience.
Consider what kinds of issues you want to tackle with a life coach before you have your first session. If you have employment issues or marriage issues, then look for one who specializes in your particular needs. Also, if you need coaching for your work, then you don't want a life coach who specializes in adolescents.
Get a copy of the coach's bio and other written material that explains his or her philosophy and background. Also, ask for references or testimonials from other satisfied clients.
Find a life coach who best fits your religious background as well. If you are a fundamentalist Christian, then you may not fit well with a more enlightened new age Christian life coach. Perhaps you want a life coach from your same denomination.
Request a free consultation before you sign any contract with a life coach. While a life coach may bill herself as Christian-based, it still leaves a wide swath of beliefs and ideas open to interpretation. All life coaches routinely offer one free session so you won't be out of line by asking for one.