How to Become a More Thankful Person
Offset negative thoughts. Every time you find yourself complaining about something, name five things you are thankful for.
Journal every morning before you start your day. List at least ten things you have to be thankful for. If it is difficult at first, start with simple things such as a roof over your head and food to eat. You will find over time that your list grows in leaps and bounds.
Stop making comparisons. When you compare your life to someone else's, you might feel like your life comes up short. The reality is that no one knows exactly what another person is going through behind closed doors.
Solve problems. If there are things in your life that you are unhappy with, and are within your control, make changes. Learn to live by the Serenity Prayer and accept the things you cannot change.
Reach out to someone less fortunate. Volunteer to serve a meal to homeless people once a month. Take a trip to a third world country. You will soon come to realize just how much you have to be thankful for!