How to Cope With Agitation
Physically separate yourself from the agitation. Removing yourself from the scene will give a chance to take a breath. Leave as soon as you feel yourself becoming moderately bothered if possible to not allow deeper emotions to set in.
Take a mental vacation. Sometimes it is not possible to escape the scene of the agitation or get away from it. Going somewhere else in your mind to mentally block it out is sometimes helpful. Think of your favorite song in your mind for instance, while you have to sit through something you can not leave.
Create or have an outlet. Mounting stress can cause negative health issues and also initiate character changes when you allow it to fester. Finding a hobby or way to relieve the stress as an outlet is a good way to cope with agitation.
Meditate and calm yourself down. At times it is hard when at the center of an agitating situation to remain civil, but refocusing you effort is key to not encourage an agitator as well. Take a breath and clear your mind and concentrate on the task at hand.
Find support or seek therapy. Support groups and therapy will allow you to communicate with others who may be going through similar circumstances. Draw strength from the fact that you are not the only one who experiences this or just have someone to talk to.
Confront the agitator or situation. Facing what agitates us will allow us to cope with it better. You may be able to prevent the situation altogether or find a reason it is happening. Use tact when letting someone else know the may be agitating you though.