How to Do Mindful Meditation

Meditation is a practice that has been in use for thousands of years. Meditation attempts to allow a person to achieve a high state of consciousness, a relaxed mind and body, or just lower levels of stress. Mindful meditation is a particular form of this practice whereby painful thoughts and experiences are worked out.


    • 1

      Seclude yourself in a quiet, darkened room.

    • 2

      Assume the meditating position with which you are most comfortable. See Tips below for suggested meditation position.

    • 3

      Close your eyes and begin to meditate, focusing on your breathing, body sensations and moods.

    • 4

      Focus the mind on the rhythm of your breathing. Gently redirect your mind toward your breathing if it begins to wander.

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      Stay with this meditation for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. At this time you can begin to allow your thoughts to turn to traumatic or uneasy feelings or experiences from your past or present.

    • 6

      Endure these negative thoughts or feelings without trying to conqure them. Simply allow the feeling to come and then pass. This should, in time, teach you how to accept these unwanted forces within yourself.

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