How to Heighten the Sense of Touch
When you heighten your senses, the experiences of life take on a new dimension and your mind becomes sharper. If you want to enjoy the feel of different sensations more, you can focus on your sense of touch. You can do the following in order to heighten your sense of touch.Instructions
Look at the body part you're touching an object with. Research has shown that watching your hand as you feel something can heighten your sense of touch.
Touch everything you see. Go outside for a walk and pick up different things that you come across. Focus on the feel of the object and the different textures found. Record your observations in a journal.
Give and receive massages regularly. Not only will massage heighten your touch sensitivity, but also has therapeutic benefits. During a massage, focus your attention on how each part of your body feels.
Feel different clothing materials. When heightening your sense of touch, you should plan a visit to a fabric store. Take time to feel the different materials, such as silk, leather, velvet and cotton. Run the fabrics not only over your fingers, but different parts of your body as well.