How to Do Everything Better
Set reminders for birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions. Set alerts that are sent to your email address or your cell phone. This way you'll never forget another gift giving opportunity and you can get onto to doing everything better.
Work smart. Instead of beating your head against your keyboard everyday, limit your work phone calls to 1 to 2 minutes and stay on topic. Leave reading personal email until you are on personal time, and set time limits for all tasks at work to help you do everything better.
Delegate chores, and schedule time for cleaning. Take your to-do list to heart, and tackle it as soon as you get home from work, before your energy wains. As you move from one room to another, keep your eye open for things that belong in another room, and try to take them all with you at once.
Keep your energy going every day with a little exercise. Even if you can't carve out enough time to do a full hour cardio/weights regimen, you can squeeze in a walk around the block or the office on breaks to get the blood pumping. You'll be able to do everything better, and with more energy, when your body is good condition.
Bring correspondence back, even if it isn't with a pen and paper. Map out some time to email your close friends you don't see often. Instead of waiting until you have a life changing event, keep conversations going constantly to be a better friend.
Prioritize happiness, and you'll do everything better with a smile. Instead of putting aside the things you love to do, in order to do the things that need to get done, make your passions and hobbies your priority. Feeding your soul and spirit are always more important than anything else.