How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
Stop talking about all the negative things going on around you. Idle chatter in complaint does nothing to solve your present problems.
Make a list of everything that's overwhelming you. Try to put in even the littlest things. Sometimes the dishes not being done and the cat in the alley cause overwhelming stress when added to other larger problems, like your lack of a car or a job.
Figure out what's within your control and what's beyond your control. Getting a new job is possible even if it means taking a smaller salary than what you were hoping for. Getting the cat in the alley to shut up is probably beyond your control unless you resort to inhumane measures.
Work to fix the things that you can directly affect and resolve to let go and make peace with the things you can't control. Make a task list and be as detailed as you need to be to stay on top of things. Give yourself a time frame for completing each goal.
Set up reward markers along the way. When you get the new job, celebrate. Sometimes it's helpful to know what your reward will be when you accomplish each task.
Keep a record of your progress. Journaling, even in its simplest form, is a great way to watch how you've taken action and keep track of how you have thrived in life, despite what was overwhelming you.