How to Handle the Stress of Betrayal
Take the chance to get back to your creative nature. We tend to feel betrayed by lies and deception, because we no longer trust ourselves for having been fooled. Take the time to deal with the stress of a betrayal by taking courses or talking to a counselor to help you reconnect with yourself and trust yourself again.
Put yourself in the other place for a second. Sometimes when we are lied to, it is easy to wish for the pain to go away. Sometimes you think that if you had just never found out, things would be easier. Play that scenario fully in your mind to help ease those thoughts and fears.
Begin keeping a dream journal. This allows you to tap into some of the intuition and self awareness that may have been dormant before. Take the time every morning to write down all that you can remember from every dream for investigating later with a counselor or self-help book.
Empower yourself to make the right decisions in every new relationship. Instead of being bombarded by the feelings in a new relationship, or the charismatic nature of this new person, give yourself permission to move in as quickly or as slowly as you feel comfortable.
Forgive the person who betrayed you. They have their own issues to puzzle through, and they have their own internal struggles to weigh them down. Once you have forgiven that person, you won't have to struggle or be weighed down by their actions.