How to Shake Off a Bad Mood
Get moving. Hit the gym and exercise your bad mood away. Increase your energy and get your heart pumping with aerobic activity. Vigorous exercise causes your body to release endorphins, which make you feel better. Research shows that endorphins block feelings of pain, decrease your anxiety and create feelings of euphoria.
Channel negative energy into a journal. Write down your worries, concerns or the reasons that you're angry. Vent the negativity and then put it behind you.
Turn on the music and dance. Crank up your favorite, upbeat tunes to lift your spirit. Dance your bad mood away as you loose your mind in the rhythms of your favorite songs.
Do a good deed. Volunteer your time, donate money or do someone a special favor. Helping someone out transfers the focus from yourself. Put all of your energy and focus on someone else in need. You'll be surprised how good you suddenly feel.
Find the positives in your situation. Make a list of things you're grateful for. Keep your negative feelings in perspective and count the good things in your life.
Relax and get rested. Take a bubble bath, relax in your hammock, curl up with a good book or take a nap. Bad moods are brought on when you are overly tired and overly stressed. Get rid of your bad mood with a little relaxation and rest.