How to Keep One's Balance When Life is Unstable
Keep your cool in every volatile family situation. Those who keep balance in their life are those who refuse to become derailed by the unexpected, and better yet, the expected. You have grown up with those people in your family, and you know what to expect from them. Instead of letting it make you angry every time, write down what you expect in every gathering, and chalk it up to wisdom when it actually happens.
Make your relationships strong, and do whatever you need to do in order to make them your top priority. When your job is frustrating, or you can't seem to keep a job, the only way to make it through is with a good support group. They can help you keep trying even when you feel like it is all in vain.
List the things that are important to you, and keep those things in the forefront of your mind when you lose a loved one or have a tough break up. Your goals should not change, and you should not stop trying to improve who you are and working toward your goals. Losing someone to a break up or death is hard, but it is not a reason to give up on yourself.
Do only the things that add flavor and interest to your life. If your job bores you, find a job that fills you with joy and passion. Volunteer with your spare time instead of zoning out in front of the computer, and keep balance in life by feeding your soul.
Set plans for emergencies. Get your friends, neighbors and family together and lay out a plan that helps all of you in an emergency. Exchange emergency phone numbers and set up contingency plans for late meetings, storms, accidents and traumatic events.