How to Write SMART Goals
Things You'll Need
- pad of paper
- pencil
The first part of your SMART goal is to be SPECIFIC. The specific part of the goal answers "what has to be done". This is where you will write an observable action or behavior, using action verbs.
Bad Example: "I want to write ehow articles."Good example: "I want to write ehow articles about time management that have at least 6 steps per article and I want to write them for the next three weeks. I'll commit myself to writing at least 2 articles every workday until I reach completion."
The second part of your SMART goal is to be MEASURABLE. This part of the goal answers "what will be the end result". This is where you will write the qualitative or quantitative terms for the goal such as total quantities, frequencies, error rates, etc.
Bad example: "I want to be rich."Good example: "I want to generate $6,000 in passive income within 2 years from this date."
The third part of the SMART goal is to make it ATTAINABLE. This is important because this is the reality check part of your goal. We are shooting for making an extra $50 a month here vs. making an extra $6,000 a month for example. You have to consider your skills and resources available at this point to help you achieve your goal.
Bad example: "I want to become a millionaire in 2 months."Good example: "I want to become a millionaire within 10 years by starting my own personal development company, giving speeches about personal development, and by creating a line of passive income products."
The fourth part of the SMART goal is to make it RELEVANT. The goal has to be relevant or consistent with your responsibilities, knowledge, skill set, and access.
Bad example: "Within one year, I want to become an owner of a Vegas Casino and start a gambling cartel that weeds out the competition."
Good example: "By the end of the year, I want to create a website that sponsors personal development and accepts donations for my new company."
The fifth part of the SMART goal is to make it fit within a Time-Frame. SMART goals have specific target dates, milestones, deadlines, and frequencies. You need to attach a target date to your goals to help you set a tangible milestone for achieving your goal.
"I want to write an ehow article."Good example: "I want to write an ehow article about time management that has at least 6 steps and have it done by July 3rd."
SMART goals are created to answer the following questions as they pertain to your GOALS.
1) What action do I need to take to achieve the goal?
2) What extent is the action to be taken- How often, how much, when, with whom?
3) What is the result of the goal? What impact will this have in your life, career, job, task, etc.