How to Handle Anger From Drug Addicts
Things You'll Need
- Contact information for friends, family and other people who can possibly help you
Do not ever take anything personally. Focus more on staying in the present, rather than allowing yourself to be swayed by derogatory comments with the intent to shatter you. Stay calm. There is no need to add drama by yelling back or getting angry yourself.
Have the phone numbers, addresses and other contact information of friends and loved ones close at hand. You never know when any of these will come in handy.
Stop being in denial. He isn't angry because you did the wrong thing, he's angry because he is, and the drugs don't help either. Don't fool yourself into thinking it will all get better if no one is taking steps to make changes for the better.
Learn how to overcome your tendencies towards codependency. At this point in your life, you may not have all the time or the luxury of a safe environment in which to build a spiritual practice, but at least ask yourself, "What do I gain by allowing myself to continue being in such a damaging situation?"
Begin building a life of your own; do this slowly but surely if you do not want to draw unnecessary attention from the angry person to yourself. Seemingly simple things such as keeping a journal, creative writing, reading and watching programs or documentaries of interest to you really help. You remain in touch with yourself and develop self-worth in this way.
Find the time to meditate when you can, even if you have to wait before you go to bed. This ensures that you stay connected to something bigger and greater than your personal situation that can help you pull through. Maybe you will even make a decision that will change your life for the better.
Ask for help if your life is threatened by living with or exposure to the angry person. Now is the time to use that contact information you have on hand! Do this before it's too late.