How to Keep Positive During Difficult Times
Things You'll Need
- Desire to have a positive outlook
Keeping Positive During Difficult Times
Assess the situation. Sometimes it's easy to color the situation as more serious and dramatic than it actually is. Instead of being enrolled in the drama or being overly identified with your emotions, look at the situation from a detached perspective. Be a witness! This will help you pinpoint the idea or feeling you have that is creating the situation as "difficult."
Stop seeing yourself as a victim. This is a major pitfall. When you feel like someone else or some situation is responsible for your difficulty, you give your power away. Own that you are a powerful co-creator of your life and that you are responsible for your feelings. Then, you can dictate what you want or how you want to feel during difficult times. You can choose! Stand in your power and you stand in the positive.
Allow yourself space and time to emote. Suppressing emotions is not healthy. Allow yourself to feel whatever is present about the situation. If you are angry with someone, hit a punching bag for awhile and keep asking yourself what you want. Cry if you need to cry. Call a close friend and share your feelings. A good release will almost always change your mindset and outlook.
Look for the blessing in disguise. Seemingly difficult times always have some lesson and blessing in them. See the teaching in the situation and take an enlightened perspective. Talk to someone who has a different life perspective than you and a good sense of humor. Laughter is incredibly healing and can lighten heavy situations.
Take care of yourself. Eat properly, get enough rest, exercise and do things that you enjoy. If you have to tend to a situation frequently, or give care to someone who is sick, take frequent breaks to get centered by stretching, meditating or deep breathing. If you support yourself fully it is much easier to stay positive.