How to Improve Your Vocabulary Drastically
Augment your mastery of language and communication by ameliorating, cultivating and showcasing an enhanced vocabulary!
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pen
- Audio Recording Medium (optional)
- Vocabulary Book (optional)
- An iGoogle account (optional)
You should first decide how important it is to you to improve your vocabulary. If your intention is simply to learn a few new words, do not go any further than step 2.
If you are, however, passionate about words or writing, then I implore you to take the time and dedication required to truly enhance your vocabulary and word recall.
If you have an iGoogle account, click "Add Stuff". There are several "word of the day" widgets that are unobtrusive that will provide you with a new word every single day, along with links that provide etymology, definition, and sample usage!
Satiated? No? Wonderful!
Expand on step 2! There are several books in your local bookstore that are dedicated to enveloping you with verbal mastery! Many of these books will give you words grouped by root words, which makes learning words in bulk very easy, as well as tests to ensure that your on track.
Now that you have a few tools, what are some ways to make sure these words that we are learning stick with us?
When you read the word and meaning, do not just look at the definition! Nay! If etymology is presented, read that. Also, make sure you see an example of the word being used. If you can, look at a synonym or two. Say the definition and the word out loud.
Why? The more you read about this word, and the more you know about it, the more likely you are able to recall it.
While learning the meaning of a word, visualize an image in your mind that is relevant to it. Assign a comical story to it... short: MAKE IT MEMORABLE!
Keep a notebook handy. I personally think little pocket notebooks are a gift from some ethereal realm of remembrance. (I use them for musical ideas, lyrics, poetry, novel ideas, movies I want to watch, books to read)
You should use them to write down words you hear/read throughout the day! Anytime you hear a word you are not familiar with, write it down. Look it up, write down the definition.
Keep a list, and review them occasionally.
Use your new words in conversations as much as possible. Using them makes them habitual, which is better than simply knowing what they mean. The idea here is to never be at a loss for words.
Read books! Play word games, such as crossword puzzles.
If you are an auditory learner, try recording yourself reading of a list of new words and their definitions that you can listen to at home, at work or in your car!