How to Deal With Chronic Pain
Things You'll Need
- Comfortable place to rest
Mental Tips for Managing Chronic Pain
Focus on what's right between your ears. Pain is actually a signal to our brains that something is not right, and if you realize this, it will help you deal with it. If you hurt every day, then this step is crucial. The first step to dealing with chronic pain is to understand pain for what it is.
Learn the art of slow breathing. This technique is a natural way to reduce your pain and is vital to any pain management program. Your breathing is your life force, and learning to do so properly is vital to dealing with pain. There are a number of programs taught on this at every hospital in the country. Sign up for one, and pay attention. This is a natural painkiller that does work.
Realize that you are not alone. Your area may have many support groups for victims of chronic pain. Seek one out and make some friends. It is not going to cure you, but it sure will help to have someone you can relate to. Take a step toward building a network that can support you.
Hands-On Ways to Manage Chronic Pain
Take a hot bath. This is the number 1 thing that helps chronic pain. This relaxes body, mind and spirit.
Find an activity that distracts you. If you are able to exercise, get out and release those endorphins. This is a fantastic way to naturally deal with chronic pain.
Learn a new hobby that you must concentrate on to do. If you have a hobby to take your mind away from the pain, then you are one step closer to dealing with it. Some people cannot exercise, so hobbies are very important. Board games, video games, writing, reading and singing are just a few. Find one that you truly enjoy, and it might be a release for your chronic pain.
Allow yourself 1 hour per day to let it all out. Crying and wallowing is sometimes helpful when you are truly hurting, and allowing yourself the time to do so can be liberating. Curl up in bed and just let yourself go for a while. Let this be the time that you turn off your guard and do what you want. Cry, scream, moan, complain and completely give in to the pain. You may be surprised to find that your chronic pain will lose steam. Somehow, allowing your body to feel something can disarm it. Give it a shot!
Take the time to pray if you have a belief in God. Set aside a few minutes to speak one-on-one with God about your problem. Talk it over and let him know what you are thinking. Humbly ask for his help, and you will receive the strength needed to fight your condition.
Take pain medicine if you cannot manage the pain on your own. This is a decision that should be made between you and your doctor.