How to Maintain Control and Stay Calm When feeling Stressed
Let it all out, but not on anyone directly. Take a moment by yourself to get the frustration out. Especially when you are about to lose your control. Sometimes keeping it bottled up isn't always necessary. Not when you are about to lose control over the stress. Punch on a punching bag, use that emotion out in a physical and positive manner. Working out in a physical manner can help. Or you can cry it out by yourself if you like. If you need to let it out, go ahead. Just don't do it in a destructive way to yourself, or anyone else. Sometimes this method needs to happen.
Take a break. Take a break from whatever it is that's causing you stress. It can be a 15 minutes break, or whatever it is you need. Collect yourself and regroup. Sometimes if you try to push too far, you just burn yourself out. Then you blow up and lose all control over it. This makes it hard to not stay in control and calm when feeling really stressed out. Take a break and remove yourself from the stressful situation. Whatever it is.
Find something relaxing. Take a moment to ease your mind, by maybe listening to a song that relaxes you on your ipod. Take time to do something that makes you feel relaxed, comfortable, and good. When we get stressed, we get tensed. When that happens, we can't make much logic or sense of the situation. You need to ease your mind mentally, which will help maintain control and allow you to calm down over the situation. Sometimes a walk can help, whatever works.
Find someone or something that makes you laugh. I guess if you're at work, this can be difficult. Find something to ease the tension out of you, the best bet is laughter. Even crack a joke or two over what is stressing you out. Make light of the situation a little bit, it will help. Call the one friend who you know that will make you laugh. There's always one friend that can really make you feel a lot better, with a joke or two.
Don't exaggerate and maintain being positive. Don't make too big of a deal out of the situation. Try not to exaggerate and think about the positive solutions. When you keep it positive, it's easier to deal with stress and maintain control. I've applied these techniques to my own life. I've had a lot to be stressed over, but thinking positive really helps me come up with better solutions. It allows me to maintain calmness and control over the situation.