How to not get angry
When you feel the urge to yell, punch, kick, or whatever else, quickly stop yourself and take some deep breaths.
Take some time to calm your system and think about what just happened.
When you think about something, it helps to calm you even more. Think about what you could've done to stop what happened, or what you can do now to settle the incident.
A simple thing to do is apologize, which should make everyone feel better. But if for some reason you don't think that's appropriate for the time, find something else to do that'll rid the memory from your mind and help calm you more.
If there's some after effect, or you just can't get rid of the anger, find some way to let out the emotion. Wether it's by punching a pillow a couple times, or some other way you think of, just try not to let it get too out of control.
After you've let out the anger, just take some deep breaths and let the incident go.