How to Get Autogenic Training for Stress
Things You'll Need
- A quiet comfortable place to relax
Find a quiet comfortable place where you can relax. Lie back in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed.
Begin with a cycle of deep breathing. Breathe out for twice as long as you breathe in. Take many long breaths until you feel completely relaxed.
Breathe deeply and repeat the following formula to yourself in your mind—the first half of each phrase (the part before the “/”) as you inhale, the second half (the part after the “/”) as you exhale: Begin with your right arm. My right arm is getting / limp and heavy (six to eight times). My right arm is getting / heavier and heavier (six to eight times). My right arm / is completely heavy (six to eight times). I feel / supremely calm (one time). Practice this patten two to three times a day for three days.
For the next 21 days, practice this routine, alternating substituting right arm with left arm, right leg and left leg.
For the next 21 days, use the next formula with your breathing. Continue to alternate body parts with your practice and remember to do your warm up breathing each time. My right arm is getting / limp and warm (six to eight times). My right arm is getting / warmer and warmer (six to eight times). My right arm / is completely warm (six to eight times). I feel / supremely calm (one time).
For the next two weeks, use the following formula two to three times a day, remembering to warm up with your breathing each time. My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm (one to two times). My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer (one to two times). My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My chest feels / warm and pleasant (six to eight times). My heartbeat is / calm and steady (six to eight times). I feel / supremely calm (six to eight times).
For the following two weeks, practice the next routine two to three times per day. My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm (one to two times). My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer (one to two times). My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm (one to two times). My heartbeat is / calm and steady (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My breathing is / supremely calm (six to eight times). I feel / supremely calm (one time).
For the next two weeks, practice the following routine to help calm the center of your body. My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm (one to two times). My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer (one to two times). My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm (one to two times). My heartbeat is / calm and steady (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My breathing is / supremely calm (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My stomach is getting / soft and warm (six to eight times). I feel / supremely calm (one time).
This next routine will add a sense of coolness to your life. Practice it for two weeks. My arms and legs are getting / limp and heavy and warm (one to two times) My arms and legs are getting / heavier and warmer (one to two times). My arms and legs are / completely heavy and warm (one toe two times). My heartbeat is / calm and steady (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My breathing is / supremely calm (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My stomach is getting / soft and warm (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times). My forehead is / cool (six to eight times). I feel / supremely calm (one time).
You have now finished your training of the six phases. This is your final formula which should be practiced at least once a day. My arms and legs are / heavy and warm (one to two times). My heartbeat and breathing are / calm and steady (one to two times). My stomach is / soft and warm (one to two times). My forehead is / cool (one to two times). I feel / supremely calm (one to two times).