Guided Imagery Instructions
Turn off your phones, so you will not be disturbed for the next 15 to 30 minutes.
Sit down or lie in a comfortable position wearing loose clothing.
Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it for five seconds, and then release the breath slowly through your mouth. Take another deep breath through your nose, hold and exhale as before. Repeat two more times and notice how relaxed you feel each time.
Scan your body for tension using your mind. Start from the top of your head and work your way down your body slowly to your feet. Notice if you feel any tension in your muscles along the way. Send a mental message to those tense muscles to become flexible and soft, and then continue to work down your body. You should feel totally relaxed and peaceful by the time you finish scanning your body.
Create a mental image of a beautiful, special, private place you can escape to when you need to unwind and relax. For instance, choose a beautiful, sunny beach, a lush green meadow, or an enchanting forest. You may choose a trail through the woods or your garden. See yourself in the place you selected on a perfect sunny day with blue skies, fluffy white clouds and the sun streaming its warm rays comfortably on your body.
Notice the faint perfume of wildflowers wafting through the air and the sound of water nearby. The water sounds like a babbling brook or perhaps a stream. Hear the birds chirping and calling one another. Listen to the sound of leaves rustling in the warm breeze.
Stay in this peaceful place you selected for as long as you desire, and relax. Understand you can return to this place anytime and as many times as you want.
Locate a pathway nearby when you feel ready. Walk along the path until you come to another peaceful location. In this place, you will meet someone exceptional, filled with love and wisdom. Continue walking along this path until you come to an open space covered with soft, green grass and surrounded by colorful, fragrant flowers. Sit down on the grass and make yourself comfortable.
See someone sitting across from you on the grass and notice the love and light radiating from the body of this being. See and feel a bright light shining from the heart of this being directly into your heart and notice how a feeling of well-being and love flows throughout your body.
Ask a question to this wise being. For example, you may have a problem with your relationship, at the workplace or maybe you need a job. Ask this being anything.
Listen carefully for the answer from this being. The answer can appear in the form of words you hear mentally, as a thought, or you may see an image. The answer can be subtle, so take note and accept whatever comes. Ask more questions of this being if you want to and listen for additional answers.
Turn your attention back to your body when you feel ready to leave this remarkable place. Feel yourself in your body. Take a couple of deep breaths and exhale. Stretch your arms and legs, and then open your eyes.