How to Gain Control of Your Emotions
Think about something that requires concentration to distract yourself. Go over your "to do" list, sing a favorite song in your head or run through the multiplication tables. You won't be able to dwell on what's upsetting you at the same time.
Take yourself out of the situation. If someone is pushing your buttons at the dinner table or if you see your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend at a party, for example, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom or pretend you lost something and need to go look for it.
Fake an incoming phone call if someone is upsetting you. In the few minutes you pretend to talk to someone on your phone or leave the room to take the call, you'll be able to get your emotions in control.
Relax yourself with a few deep breathing exercises or by counting slowly to 20. Study a sign or landmark in the distance to calm your mind.
Make up an excuse if you can't control your tears. As long as you're not sobbing uncontrollably, you can claim that your eyes are welling up because you twisted your ankle, stubbed your toe or got something in your eye, for instance.
Call upon conflicting emotions to get another one under control. If you're trying not to cry and express your anger, for example, make yourself laugh. If you're trying not to laugh, think of something that makes you angry or sad.