How to Stop Talking to Oneself
Stop talking to yourself when you are alone. This is the first step to stopping this habit all together. If you can stop talking to yourself when you alone it can carry over to when you are around others.
Mouth the words silently without actually saying them. This is another step in the right direction, but is not a total cure. The reason is that it is almost as strange to see a person's lips moving and no words coming out as it to see him talking to himself.
Have a friend, family member or significant other give you a signal if you start talking to yourself. Sometimes people do not even realize they are doing it and it helps to have someone indicate to you to stop talking to yourself.
Concentrate on keeping your thoughts internalized. When you talk to yourself, it can be a result of deep and distracted thought. If you understand this, you can think about what you are doing instead of concentrating on the issue that you are discussing aloud.
Stay active in the conversation. Sometimes if you allow your mind to wander that is when the talking starts. Be aware of what others are saying and really listen to stop talking to oneself.