How to Stop Being Apathetic
Understand that we are all connected and what you do and feel really does matter. Often people that are apathetic just don't believe that anything matters, but if they realize that each person can have a positive effect on the world, it can help change this attitude.
Visit a home for underprivileged or orphaned children. If an apathetic person can see the tenuous situations many children face, this can change opinions about life. Usually children can give a proper perspective on life.
Examine the reason for the apathy. Sometimes apathy can result from a specific and possibly traumatic event that caused a person to shut down emotionally. Finding this reason can help solve and find the way out of apathy.
Stop watching and reading about the latest current events. Most news shows will only reinforce your apathy and make you a better viewer. Most every newscast and story is about some tragic event that can lead you to believe that feeling anything is just too much.
Go to the park and read a good book. With all that is happening in our lives and all the negative things we hear and read, sometimes it is best to shut everything out. Get a new hobby that interests you that can help you stop being apathetic.